Monday, April 9, 2012

My So Called Life

I could come up with a million reasons why this life is not the sweet smelling flower I long it to be.
I could tell you right now that my sorrow has consumed what little hope I reserved,
Yet this sadness lingers and finally swallows me up.

All I see is the darkness and the depth of my soul
Gone so far in ruins that I wonder,
What reason is there left to seek.
Seek what you say?

A flicker of light perhaps, a sound or a ruffle;
Anything that can shake me to life.
Perhaps then, these reasons will dim and their numbers fall
So life can look brighter than I think it be.
Could it be that self-pity and pride have led to my myopia?
Could I really be this sad as to not see how life thrives around me?
Give me reasons to hope...just a little oh mind of mine,
For these walls of misery are wearing me thin.

Look all around oh petty feelings, peer into the horizon and see,
For what you think is lacking, really is there for the taking.

Sweet smelling flower?
What makes you think of life as such?
Even sweet can smell too much and the nose suddenly tires of the fragrance.
Sweet is not the only flavour to life,
Sour and tangy also make life good.
The mixture of all is what creates the perfection we embrace and each term reality.

Now stop! Stop oh soul...are we running away from the fact?
Focus on the are doomed!
Doomed you say? No! I refuse doom,
Suddenly I have the strength to fight.
Let me fight.

Let me fight for a chance to a life,
Perhaps not quite like the sweet smelling flowers I hoped,
But alas I will still be able to sniff, smell…
Even taste some aspect of life to make me want to stay
Come to think of it, why have I forgotten all that is reason to life?
I have it all around me; I hear them, feel them, smell them
Yet I forget. How indeed did my soul stray so far, that I stopped to think only of me...

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